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Welcome! We are on AN Adoption Journey for Baby #2. hopefully sometime IN 2022 we will have a new addition! We are excited you chose to join us for the ride.


As we navigate this process we will use this site as a way to connect with those that want to follow along. We also plan to run our fundraising opportunities through here for those who feel lead to help. Adoption costs can be so overwhelming and prevent some from choosing this route. We chose to be vulnerable and ask for help in this way (which is hard to do). We know that if God calls you to do something, He will provide the means for it! If you check out our fundraising tab, we are working on FUN ways to FUNDriase! Whatever brought you to this page, be thinking about us, praying for us, and check back to see how things are going! We can't wait to see what lies ahead.

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